
ISObringstogetherglobalexpertstodevelopInternationalStandardsthathelpsolveproblemsanddriveinnovation.,TheISOisanon-governmentalorganisationbasedinGeneva.Itisanetworkofnationalstandardsbodieswhichdevelopsandpublishesinternationalstandards.,8天前·ISO,specializedinternationalorganizationconcernedwithstandardizationinalltechnicalandnontechnicalfieldsexceptelectricalandelectronic ...,ISOisanetworko...

About ISO

ISO brings together global experts to develop International Standards that help solve problems and drive innovation.

International Organization for Standardization

The ISO is a non-governmental organisation based in Geneva. It is a network of national standards bodies which develops and publishes international standards.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

8 天前 · ISO, specialized international organization concerned with standardization in all technical and nontechnical fields except electrical and electronic ...

International Organization for Standardization

ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 163 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that ...

International Organization for Standardization

ISO was founded on 23 February 1947, and (as of July 2024) it has published over 25,000 international standards covering almost all aspects of technology and ... International standard · ISO (disambiguation) · Standards organization ·


ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization. It brings global experts together to agree on the best ways of doing things.

ISO - International Organization for Standardization

Through our members, we bring people together to develop International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

What Is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international nongovernmental organization made up of national standards bodies.

What is the ISO (International Organization for Standardization)?

ISO is a nongovernmental organization that comprises standards bodies from more than 160 countries, with one standards body representing each member country.


國際標準化組織(英語:International Organization for Standardization,簡稱:ISO)成立於,制定全世界工商業國際標準的國際標準建立機構。 ISO總部設於瑞士日 ...